
Technician Workflow
The technician view displays a simple map and listings of the current day’s services that are assigned to the logged in user. Technicians will be...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 2:15 PM
Unassigned Services
Unassigned Services Screen Typically, users view unassigned Services either at the beginning of each day or week and assign Services to technicians. Spra...
Thu, 24 Aug, 2023 at 11:27 AM
Custom Tags
Spraye has a unique feature that will allow you to tag any property with a custom tag that you create to allow for easier and more efficient routing and sch...
Thu, 17 Nov, 2022 at 11:47 AM
Route By Map (Unassigned Services)
Route by Map | Enhanced Routing Capabilities This article was updated on 08.09.2023  On the Unassigned Services screen, there is a toggle a...
Tue, 26 Sep, 2023 at 12:13 PM
Editing the Order of a Route
Please note the following limitations of this feature: Routes with more than 23 stops cannot be edited. To get around this limitation, you may wish to ass...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 2:17 PM