On the Properties screen, you can edit existing properties or add new properties.  All properties must be associated with a customer.  You can add single properties manually or bulk upload many at once.  There is a Map View that allows you to see all properties on a map, or you can switch to table view to view all property details.

How to add a single property:

    • Click the Add Property button at the top left

    • Enter a Property Name. The Property Name field is intended to provide you with an easy way to name properties with a “nickname” that helps you identify it in a list or differentiate between multiple properties owned by a single customer. Be sure to name it something that can be differentiated from other properties in a long list.

    • IMPORTANT: Be sure to assign the customer by clicking the dropdown menu next to Assign Customer. Then, choose the customer this property is associated with. If you have not created the customer yet, you may want to go to the customer screen and click + Add Customer at the top of the page. This will allow you to add the customer and property at the same time.

    • Complete the property address details and define a Service Area (you can select an existing Service Area or you can create a new one directly from this screen by clicking the green + symbol).

    • Spraye will automatically pull in a "Default Sales Tax Area" when adding a new property. 

    • You'll need to define your default setting for the Sales Tax Area in your global settings: Global Settings 

    • You may choose a different Sales Tax Area from the dropdown menu on the "Add Property" screen or the "Property Profile" at any time. 

    • You will need to assign a Program to the property in order to schedule services for this property. Once you assign the property to a Program and save the new property, the system will automatically create individual services for that property that are ready to be assigned and scheduled with a technician (the services are determined by the services that are included with that specific Program). 

    • You will also need to associate a customer with all Properties for billing purposes.

    • When choosing a "Property Status", keep in mind that a "Prospect" will only show up in the "Prospect" properties which can be found on the main navigation menu on the left side of your screen. Prospects are properties that don't currently have programs or services assigned to them. If you choose "Prospect" for the property status and click Submit, a "Sales Visit" will automatically be created and show up on the Unassigned services screen.

    • Optionally you can add any notes about this property that will be viewable by the Technician when they are at the property, such as a gate or garage code.

    • You can also add the price per visit for the service being performed in the Price Override section.

  • Check out the video below for tips on switching your existing property to a different customer: 

How to bulk upload multiple properties:

    • It is NOT recommended to utilize this feature unless you have a specific reason why you need to upload multiple properties that are not associated with customers. Instead, we highly recommend using the bulk upload feature on the Customer screen where you can upload all properties with the associated customer data simultaneously. Please contact your onboarding specialist before using any bulk upload features in Spraye.