How to Skip a Service

First step: Set up your "Skip Reasons" by going to your settings page and scrolling to the "Skip Reasons" section. There you can add new skip reasons. Examples: Too Late in Season, Customer Redoing Landscaping, Customer Getting New Sod, etc. You can enter as many skip reasons as you would like.

Once you set up your skip reasons, you can skip one or multiple services at once from the unassigned services screen here or here

To skip a service, simply search or filter services and then select the service(s) you want to skip. Once selected, you can click on the "Skip" button at the top of the screen. Once clicking the "Skip" button, you will be able to choose from your pre-determined "Skip Reasons". 

Skipped Services Report

Once you skip services, you can also view reports on those skipped services. To see your skipped services reports, click on "Reports" on the left side of your admin screen and choose "Skipped Services Report". Here you can filter by service, date, service type, service areas, user who skipped the service and skip reason. You can toggle between summary and detail view to see more or less detail about your skipped services.