Spraye has a "Cancel" function for properties that changes the Property status to "Inactive" and also cancels any outstanding services for that property.  In order to cancel an account and all associated programs or services, please follow the steps below.

How to Setup Global Cancellation Reasons

  • Go to the "Settings" page
  • Scroll down to the section labeled "Cancel Reasons"
  • Here you can add specific reasons that you want to categorize if one of your customers cancels.

How to Cancel a Property

  • Go to the Properties List and filter for the property you would like to cancel. 
  • Then in the "Actions" column, click on the "X" icon

  • This should prompt a pop-up window that asks you to enter a reason why the account was canceled. The list of reasons pull from a list that you create in the global settings (or you can enter a free form text reason if one of the pre-defined options doesn’t fit).

  • There is a checkbox in the pop-up window that asks if you would like to send a cancellation email to customer.  This will send an email to that customer letting them know that their services and/or programs were cancelled.

How to Cancel a Service

There is a “Cancel” button located next to any pending service listed on the customer's “Services” tab. If you click on the "X" cancel icon, you will be prompted to confirm you want to cancel the service, select a cancellation reason, and also optionally send a cancelation email (same as above) to the customer.

  • This will remove this service from the “Unassigned Services” list and move it to “Archived” services. It will also then show a “Canceled” status next to the service on the customer screen services tab.  (The status will also be changed to “Canceled” if a service is “Deleted” from the Unassigned services list and this action also triggers the “Canceled Service” email.) Canceled services will no longer show on the Outstanding Services section of the QuickView screen. 

When you cancel a property or service, the following events happen in your system: 

  • All outstanding services are removed from the property. 
  • All invoices stay on the customer account. All service records stay in the system.
  • The system automatically creates a note for that customer/property that says the service or property was canceled. 
  • An email will be sent out to the admin user automatically when a property or service is canceled
  • An email can also be sent to the customer (optionally) upon cancellation.  

An email will be sent out to the admin user automatically when a property or service is canceled : 

  • The email subject says: “Service(s) or Property(s) Canceled for <<Customer Name>>” 
  • The default message is the following: “The following services or properties have been canceled for the customer or property listed below:” Then it lists the services/programs that were canceled and the property address. 

The customer email will say: “Service(s) Canceled at Your Property” or "Property Cancelled". 

    • The message in the email will be:
      • "The following services have been canceled at the property listed below:”
      • Then it will list the services/programs that were canceled and the property address. 
        • Customer Name 
        • Property Address 
        • Program Name 
        • Service Name(s)