The Sales Summary Reports give you a way to view a summary of all estimates created in a given timeframe (and optionally a comparison timeframe). They also allow you to see how many of these estimates have been accepted and declined and break it down by sales rep or specific service(s) included in the report.

Here's how it works:

First, navigate to the Sales section of reports. Next, click on Sales Summary. Then, choose either the sales report (broken down by sales rep) or the service report (broken down by services included in estimates).

Next, choose the desired date range (and comparison date range if needed) and click Search.

Now, you cam see statistics for estimates created, accepted, and declined during the specified date range. You may switch between stats for Total New Estimates, Total Accepted Estimates, and Total Declined Estimates by clicking on the corresponding tabs at the top of the report:

Note: You will see 2 different "Close Rates" on this report: 

  • Estimate close rate is a simply percentage of estimates accepted that have been sent.
  • Revenue close rate is the percentage of potential revenue closed from those same estimates.