This feature allows you to automatically run your customer's credit card on the same day as service is provided. When this option is turned on, your customer’s credit card on file will be charged whenever a service is completed. Their invoice will then automatically be marked as paid.  Currently this feature is only available if your company is setup to accept credit cards through one of our processors,  Clover Connect or BASYS. (Please contact us if you would like to get setup to accept credit cards).

Enable Auto-Pay For a Customer

1. Using the "Customers" tab from the menu on the left, and select the customer from the list. 

2. Click the "Billing Profile" tab.

3. Scroll to the bottom where you will see the "Auto-Charge" option as shown in the screenshot below.

4. Set the toggle to "on".

5. Enter the customer's credit card information into the pop-up window.

Make sure to click "Save" to save the payment method.


  • If turned on for a customer, invoices will be paid automatically upon job completion. Those invoices (marked paid) will then be sent automatically to the customer.
  • This only applies to programs or services that are set to “Invoice at Service Completion”

Make sure to also click "Save" on the Billing Profile tab to save the changes. 

Admin Notifications

  1. Account owners will receive an email when an autopay payment is declined for a customer. The subject line of the email will be "Auto-pay Declined - Customer #". 
  2. Account owners will receive an email when auto-pay is disabled for a customer. The subject line of the email will be "Auto-pay Disabled - Customer #".